The secret of the ages is locked up in books...

Have fun exploring the variety of books & let yourself be inspired!

Your STEP BY STEP guide to start your mindset | language journey

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Dive right in 

Joseph Murphy
Magic of faith
The power of your subconscious

Dain Heer
Being you changing the world
Right Riches for You

Wallace D. Wattles
Science of getting rich

Bob Proctor
You were born rich
Thoughts are things

Genevieve Behrend
Your invisible Power

James Allen
As a man thinketh

Neville Goddard
The power of awareness
Feeling is the secret
The Hidden Secret of God the Bible Decoded by Neville Goddard

Ernest Holmes
365 science of mind
The thing called you

Michael Neill
The inside out revolution

Raymond Holliwell
Working with the law
This thing called you

Napoleon Hill
Think and grow rich

Maxwell Maltz
Pyscho Cybernetics

Thomas Troward
Entering into spirit
The hidden power

Robert Collier
Secret of the ages



Have you found a book that inspires you, but still got some questions?

Just reach out to me on or leave your email address & question below in the comments. I'll be happy to get back to you!

Looking forward to hearing from you & starting this journey with you




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